Sunday 2 September 2018


We've been having a run of visitors in our household recently. First it was 'Her Indoors' parents; good, dog-loving folk who I've known for most of my life and who have responded very well to training over the years. Then 'Junior Him' came back home for the Bank Holiday weekend, returning on the Monday, followed by 'Junior Her' for a few days last week.
          Now as a senior fur who's been round the block and down the lane a few times, I take all these comings and goings in my stride. After all, I was around when the Juniors were pupsters and 'Her Indoors' was always racing about, going here, there and everywhere, and there were regularly children visiting as well as adults. Teds on the other hand I suspect, has led a much more sheltered life as he lived with an older lady on her own, in quite a remote spot in the countryside. He therefore finds all the activity a bit overwhelming.
         When 'Her Indoors' parents arrived, he followed my example and greeted them warmly, enjoying the extra fussing and tummy tickling. They kept their bedroom door shut at night, so when they reappeared in the morning, he was pleasantly surprised. However, he was a bit disconcerted when they disappeared off home again as he obviously thought they were here for good.
          'Junior Him', on his return home, caught Teds out, as he saw that 'Her Indoors' was in the conservatory so came in via that entrance. I was snoozing in the kitchen so he couldn't take his lead, if you'll excuse the rather obvious pun, from me. Now Teds is a bit wary of men. We don't know why. Maybe he didn't see that many in his previous life or maybe some man wasn't very nice to him but he always cowers away a bit. 'Junior Him' is a tall person, so Teds was a bit nervous but 'Junior Him' quickly won him over with a bit of gentle, manly chat and tummy rubs, so they soon bonded, until he too, mysteriously for Teds, vanished back to his home. Then 'Junior Her', who Teds has met before, showed up. She is a lover of all dogs regardless of age, breed, disposition and behaviour, which is rather lucky for me.... I've always returned that love in bucket loads and Teds is following my sensible example. He adores her.
         This did, however, give him a considerable difficulty which he also experienced to some extent with our other visitors. He suffers from separation anxiety so is at his happiest when his pack are all with him. He was therefore thrown into a dilemma when 'Her indoors' and 'Junior Her' were chatting in the conservatory and 'Him Indoors' was watching TV upstairs, as he clearly couldn't be in both places at once. He tried lying in a position where he could watch the coming and goings from both parts of the house, that way no-one could sneak off and leave him. He also tried patrolling regularly between the two areas, staying for a few minutes in one place but then feeling compelled to check on the other section of the family group. Similarly at night, usually one of his best times as he sleeps next to 'Him and Her Indoors' in their bedroom, and apart from their occasional bathroom visits when he often escorts them there and back, he has the comfort of knowing that they are both settled in one place and he can relax. When 'Junior Her' was home, he felt the need to check up on her during the night, and having satisfied himself she was still there, he could return to snoozing.
         Friday night however, 'Junior Her' went out with friends and 'Her Indoors' was going out to pick her up at midnight. She did her usual thing of getting ready for bed and settled Teds with 'Him Indoors' in the bedroom, then she sneaked out. Teds was not happy when he discovered the deception and barked loudly when they came back, just to show his displeasure. He also doubled his night patrols just to check all was well.
          Saturday, 'Junior Her' went home and Teddy was, quite frankly, exhausted. I don't know why he doesn't just follow my example and sleep through most of it. I roll over when someone comes in through the door so they can tickle my tummy and, if they're truly honoured, I might even get up and wag my tail. What can I tell you I'm a senior fur who needs to ration his energy expenditure.
          Today Teds is making up for all this unsettling socialising by being naughty, which is good to see. When 'Her Indoors' had disappeared to have her shower, he made a bid for the big bed and settled himself comfortably on the duvet. Unfortunately for him,'Her Indoors' had forgotten her dressing gown so came back unexpectedly and he was given a thorough telling off and banished to the kitchen. The only disappointment for me is that it's taken him six months to try this. I would have done it at the first opportunity which is probably why I'm only allowed downstairs.
           Still, I'm sure Teds will learn in time. It's hard to believe it but he's only been here six months and he's still an apprentice after all. There are still quite a few things I've yet to teach him.....
Teds succumbing to the charms of 'Junior Her'
Totally gone....

Teds and 'Junior Him' bonding

Totally gone.....

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