Saturday 9 February 2013

Ofsted and Off Abroad

Well it's been a bit of a week.  'Him Indoors' disappeared off to Boston and narrowly avoided being trapped there by an imminent blizzard, swapping last minute to an earlier flight, whilst 'Her Indoors' had Ofsted in at work so sightings of her have been rare and fleeting.  When she has been at home she's been a bit pre-occupied, muttering about retention, attendance and success rates and reading feverishly through piles of paperwork.  Still, it all ended yesterday when she subsided into a comfortable chair with two large glasses of wine, a Cadbury's Creme Egg, and a chick flick which she watched with 'Junior Her'.

I'm not sure if Ofsted realise what sacrifices I have made this week and what a crucial part I've played in the inspection process.  My walks have been sadly curtailed and I've had to rely on 'Junior Her' for most of my needs.  I tried to distract 'Her Indoors' by misbehaving due to all that pent up energy, and presenting her with a toy rather pointedly whenever she ventured into the kitchen, just to make it plain that I was being neglected.  I was also sick in my bed which remained unnoticed until 'Her Indoors' came in from work rather late - I wasn't popular,  Still, 'Junior Her' stepped up to the mark pretty well, and it's the price we all pay for a sound educational service.

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