Monday 29 December 2014

Past, Presents and Future

For once this Christmas, my favourite present isn't one of my own.  'Her Indoors' got a pair of socks covered with Border Terriers.  What nicer present could she have possibly wished for?  Ann, one of her dog walking friends, or 'dogs' as they are affectionately known, bought them for her and has risen several notches in my estimation as a result.  Perhaps they do a whole range of Border Terrier themed underwear.  That'd put 'Him Indoors' off his stride!

We had a good Christmas, although I managed to develop an eye infection which has been a bit of a nuisance.  Still, it's led to a new party game called 'try and get the eye drops in the eyes of a small, grumpy dog'.  Me and 'Her Indoors' have both ended up growling at each other!  'Him Indoors' has been deployed to assist so he waves a biscuit around whilst 'Her Indoors' tries to catch me off-guard.  The occasional drop has actually found its way in, so my eyes are slowly improving.  It's all good, wholesome, family fun and beats playing charades!

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