Saturday 24 November 2012

Birthday Blog

It was my birthday yesterday.  Now I don't have the same aversion to the advancing years as 'Him and Her Indoors', I see it as an advantage.  Over time, my relationship with 'Them Indoors' has mellowed into mutual understanding and tolerance.  I'm allowed to come home early if the weather is poor, take longer sniffing around and doing my ablutions and I get a bit of sympathy over any aches and pains.  I've also developed a pretty expansive store of knowledge which I deploy tactically, as I do a pretence at diminishing  hearing or eyesight, depending on the circumstances.  All in all, things are pretty good. 

I got presents too which I always enjoy.  I got a smart dog coat which 'Her Indoors' thoughtfully bought as she thinks I might be feeling the cold more, now that I've reached double figures.  I was a bit disappointed when I opened it, as it wasn't a toy or edible, but having worn it a couple of times I can see the advantages.  It's warm and keeps the rain off.  Also, best of all, it's a fetching shade of green which has the added advantage of providing camouflage.  Midge the farm dog won't see me coming.  I did get a new toy too, which I've kept close by me, just to be on the safe side.  Apart from the prefacing of all my usual terms of endearment with the word 'old', it was a pretty good day.  I waited hopefully to see if I got any more presents this morning, but no luck.  Roll on Christmas.

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