Sunday 2 December 2012

New dogs, old dogs and cars.....

There's a couple of new dogs in the neighbourhood.  There's a long haired Dachshund who's moved into one of the oast houses.  We've met on the playing fields and I must say they seem a friendly sort of dog - not too big and boisterous either.  They were wearing a smart coat - not as smart as mine though.  Then there's an old dog who's turned up a few mornings at the playing fields in a car.  All stiff legs and white muzzle.  I suspect a bit of Labrador in there somewhere.  Anyway, the oldie made a big fuss of 'Her Indoors' and she made a big fuss back.  Honestly, if she's that keen on old dogs, she's got me.  Still, while she was occupied I said a quick hello to the old dog's owner and then checked out the interior of their car.  'Her Indoors' had to drag me out of the footwell.  That'll teach her.

The best car I've sneaked into belonged to a couple of policemen who were conducting a speed trap on the main road outside the playing fields.  They were just packing up when me and 'Her Indoors' appeared for our morning constitutional.  I went up to say a brisk hello but 'Her Indoors' was a bit wary in case I mistook them, in their fluorescent jackets, for the postman.  Does she think I'm stupid?  Anyway, I said a respectful hello but got distracted by the open door of the car.  In I went, and I must say there were some very interesting smells under the seats.  'Her Indoors' came and pulled me out muttering something about me wanting to be a Police Dog.  Who'd want to work for a living?  I'll leave that to Midge the farmdog.  Anyway, I felt a bit light headed after all that sniffing, so was glad to get home and have a lie down.  I wonder what that white powder was, under the driver's seat......

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